Dream – Night of 2018-08-15

Dylan is walking down a crowded road with his family, it is nighttime. They are on their way to the ferry terminal in a large European town They’re trying to get on the largest, and last, ferry along with everyone else around them People are panicked and confused, but...

Dream – Morning of 2018-05-17

In the old Country Market in the town where I grew up Buy a sandwich at the deli Go to pay Realize I don’t have my wallet Tell cashier I will be right back after checking truck I know my wallet is not in the truck because I realize...

Dream – Morning of 2018-05-01

Finally had another dream worthy of writing down! Cast Mother Big Brother Middle Brother Little Sister Guy on Horse Part 1 Family on the beach: Mother, oldest son, middle son, youngest daughter.  From oldest to youngest the children are something like 17, 14, 12. It’s the end of the...

Dream: Night of 2017-11-20

Dream #1: Boy is being dragged by the arm by his father (or some sort of authority figure) Chained to a heavy thing and thrown into a pond On the way down the boy manages to free himself, but he knows it will mean death to surface right there,...

Dream – Night of 2016-12-07

Takes place in the 80s some time in a country town. Guy comes home from somewhere.  Jail / College / Army, something like that. He’s always been in kind of a rowdy crowd.  He calls up his old friends to see what they’re doing.  His kid brother wants to...


“Be careful what you wish” I advised my Daughter-in-law’s Sister Elise to consider that old saying before joining  the crew for this trip aboard BETTY ANN. But she was game to do it, so on Sunday 10 May we gather at the Southwest gate for the flight to Charleston, South Carolina....


BRAEDONTON, FL TO CHARLESTON, SC NOTE TO READERS: It is 05 December 2016 and I’ve waited far to long to transcribe my scribbled journal notes into a cohesive accounting of this trip. So I will capture the highlights I can decipher.  Captain Archie’s crew for this leg include “veterans...

Snowball Cookies

1 cup butter softened 2/3 cup confectioners sugar (I use a little less because I don’t like them so sweet) 1teaspoon vanilla Blend above together until smooth Add: 2 Cups Flour, 1/8 teaspoon salt and blend until flour is completely mixed Mix in 1 cup finely chopped pecans Take...

Dream – Night of 2016-08-30

This was a huge dream that I was happy to remember when I woke up: I think it started off in a water park or something, and an entire group of people finds themselves at the end of the ride and at the beginning of a new one called...

Dreams – Night of 2016-08-24

Dream #1 Sitting in a bar waiting for friends. Girl arrives and sits Indian style in the seat next to me. She pulls out her phone (which I can’t see yet) and says “yeah, it’s not a flip phone” I look over ans see it indeed is not a...