Category: Baking Bread With Starter

Sourdough Bread – Pain de Campagne

Modified from the recipe in Ken Forkish’s book “Flour Water Salt Yeast“. The part I disliked most about the original recipe was how much starter I was throwing away, and that it used commercial yeast. If I’m going to bother with starters and levains, I don’t want to use...

Starter Bread Experiment – April 14, 2019

Starter Bread Ingredients Timeline Day Before Day before woke up starter, fed twice 2018-04-13 – 2:00 PM Mix ingredients Stretch and fold Short rest Add salt that I forgot Stretch and fold 2018-04-13 – 2:20 PM Cover and rest 2018-04-13 – 4:10 PM Stretch and fold #3 Form ball...