Category: Photos

Stop-Motion Photography

Quite possibly the best stop-motion video EVER MADE!!!!  I made a sample stop-motion video using the demo version of Stop Motion Pro (  In this short film, I present the classic case of penny versus counter.  The protagonist (the penny), must overcome the antagonist (the counter), to find its...


  DSC_3446 Originally uploaded by firstdivision. Found a cool place to take pictures of planes coming into TF Green Airport in Rhode Island. It was getting dark when I got there so this shot was taken at 1600 ISO, that’s why it’s so grainy. I’ll go back someday a...


  DSC_3402 Originally uploaded by firstdivision. Taken on New Year’s Day as we drove to breakfast. Ice on the windshield was slowly melting. I like the different shapes that the ice crystals create....


powerplant Originally uploaded by firstdivision. I like how the steam gets blown around a little. It was a 3 second exposure so there was enough time for the wind to move the steam around....


ducks_in_fog Originally uploaded by firstdivision. A group of scaredy-cat ducks takes off just because I walked out on the dock. Hey, it’s a D70 not a 12 gauge....


crane Originally uploaded by firstdivision. Photo of hthe day (so far). Walked around the yard with my new lens…...


dsc_2946 Originally uploaded by firstdivision. The duck says “What are you looking at?”...

Winter clouds

Winter clouds Originally uploaded by hhriebe. Not one of my pictures…. Just a reminder to everyone…..WINTER IS COMING!...


fire_water Originally uploaded by firstdivision. Needed a new picture so I posted this one that I took tonight. We’ve got one of our first fires going of the year, and it signals the beginning of fall and winter….and snow soon!! I originally started taking pictures of the fireplace itself,...


book Originally uploaded by firstdivision. Test post of a picture from to my blog. Here’s the caption from flickr: Photo taken of a book and bowl of grapes. I came home one day and the table was set like that, “Hmmm” I thought, “That will make a neat...