“Be careful what you wish” I advised my Daughter-in-law’s Sister Elise to consider that old saying before joining the crew for this trip aboard BETTY ANN. But she was game to do it, so on Sunday 10 May we gather at the Southwest gate for the flight to Charleston, South Carolina....
BRAEDONTON, FL TO CHARLESTON, SC NOTE TO READERS: It is 05 December 2016 and I’ve waited far to long to transcribe my scribbled journal notes into a cohesive accounting of this trip. So I will capture the highlights I can decipher. Captain Archie’s crew for this leg include “veterans...
WEDNESDAY, 23 OCTOBER We leave the slip at Belle Viu Marina, in Wakefield, RI bound for Charleston, S.C,. Most likely we will pull into Chesapeake Bay for the inland route around Cape Hatteras, but if Neptune were to grant my wish for favorable wind and seas – unlikely given...
The journal for this trip really begins shortly after last year’s fall run to Charleston. Eric Baruzzi (Officer in Charge, USCG Station Point Judith) mentioned he hadn’t seen my journal (still haven’t finished it) and while talking about the trip Eric commented he’d really like to join the crew....
Betty Ann Southbound 2011
It is late in the summer and Pete calls. Heard from Archie yet? I need to get back on the water! Timing is everything, Archie had called earlier to confirm his crew so I told Pete the BETTY ANN would be leaving Point Judith October 9th. He immediately signed on...
Betty Ann – Southbound 2011 (part 2)
Surprise, surprise! I normally do only one leg of the delivery trips but this year Archie called to ask if I could do the final leg from Miami to Tamp Bay since someone else had to cancel. Not one to decline an opportunity to sail, particularly this leg...