Dream – Night of 2018-08-15
Posted On August 15, 2018
- Dylan is walking down a crowded road with his family, it is nighttime.
- They are on their way to the ferry terminal in a large European town
- They’re trying to get on the largest, and last, ferry along with everyone else around them
- People are panicked and confused, but still reasonable orderly
- The attack hasn’t happened yet, but they’ve heard on the news that this is the last place on the planet that the aliens haven’t come yet
- Dylan and his family are American, and Dylan’s father is an important government official.
- They are able to get into the ferry, and make their way to the windows inside the large room inside the main deck.
- They look out over the water and see other ferries, some of them sinking, capsized or something.
- Then the attack begins as swarms of alien ships come out of the sky leaving green trails behind them.
- The ships fire on the people on land, the ferries, everything.
- Dylan realizes that it is hopeless, this is the last place that the aliens attacked and it’s clear that there is no escape – everyone will die.
- There is an explosion and Dylan is knocked unconscious.
- Dylan awakes in a bed. He looks around the room and realizes it is his bedroom back at home in the United States.
- Slowly the events come back to him: seeing the news reports on TV about the first attacks, his father rounding up his family in the hotel, their crazed dash to the ferries, and the final attack.
- How did he end up in this bed?
- He gets up and goes downstairs to find lots of people in the house, it seems most of his extended family is here.
- They all give him a solemn look as he walks by.
- Finally he finds one of his cousins who runs up to him and gives him a large hug.
- “I’m so sorry man. I can’t believe it.” the cousin says..
- Bewildered Dylan says nothing.
- “I mean, it’s amazing you made it, but that everyone else in the plane crash didn’t is just crazy…” the cousin realizes that he probably should not continue on such a sensitive subject and stops talking.
- Through a few more conversations Dylan finds out that everyone here seems to think that he and his family were in a plane crash, and that everyone on the plane but him died. Everyone is here for a wake for his entire family, and nobody has any recollection of the alien invasion, or the major cities of the world being completely obliterated.
- Dylan returns to his room to be alone and try to process what is going on. Maybe he’s crazy and the entire alien story is some sort of coping mechanism by his brain.
- He finds his camera that he brings with him everywhere and turns it on. When he presses the play button a video begins to play. It’s a video of him and his family at a birthday party – in the European city where that final attack happened.
- Dylan begins cycling through the pictures and videos and realizes they are all of this trip that he was on. There are even a few final snapshots of the ferries being loaded, the mass confusion, and one blurry shot of an alien ship firing on a building in the distance.
- It’s his only evidence that any of this happened.
- He needs to find and reveal the truth.