Dream – Night of 2014-03-31
Posted On April 8, 2014
- The scene opens with a “Movie / Film” look (i.e. a normal movie). This is an odd detail but becomes important later.
- Training Camp – grassy. Walking down a paved path with superiors. A General and some other officer walk with our narrator/camera.
- Recruits are training in the grass on either side. One section nearby are sparring/wrestling. A drill Sargent runs over to one match, “Let her out of that choke hold.” he says. “She wasn’t struggling.” the recruit replies. “That’s because she’s dead.” the Sargent yells back.
- We continue walking down the path. A female recruit runs out onto the path (for some odd reason it is Jennifer Lopez playing the part). She is joined by another training partner.
- Narrator: “If he could catch her, maybe things would turn out different.”
- Begin “Running Scene”
- Through urban paths, through woods, she runs and the camera follows. So close to catching up at points but never quite getting there. She makes a sharp turn and begins “running” down a wide stone well. The well is lined with what can barely be called stone steps. Just fragments of stone sticking out of the slick walls of the well. The only way to not slip and fall to your death is to run at a 45 degree angle and “lean into it” – these people are clearly highly-trained ninja-like warriors. Think Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.
- At the bottom of the well it is nearly black-dark. The two women who are now way ahead of the narrator walk up to a “curtain of blue threads”. They stand in front of it, reach into the hanging threads, and are slowly “absorbed” into it. Their bodies dissolve into it.
- Scene fades to total black
- The movie now has a cartoon animation look. The Japanese “anime” kind with overly-large white eyes.
- Blue highlights appear in the dark. “What is that” we think.
- The highlights form into faces floating in the black. Illuminated by another faint blue light. They drift by.
- They have some sort of breathing apparatus on, and they appear to be asleep.
- One is the general from the first scene.
- Aha! They are in suspended animation!
- Fade to black.
- Voice of the narrator speaks into the black: “I woke up once to check our position, and then again to do the same. Both times we were where we should have been. The third time things were different…”
- Weightless narrator “slides by” in front of the camera. He is awake. Color returns to the scene. It’s a spaceship!
- He opens “giant window” at the front of the ship to reveal a massive fleet of spaceships all jumping to hyperspace and “blinking out” in front. They are clearly not on the same course as us. They are jumping away nearly 90 degrees from our course. The ships are giant, even as far away as they are we can tell that they are many thousands of feet long. Their windows are but points of light at this distance.
- Ahead of our ship is some super-dense cluster of stars, and possibly/probably a black hole. We are steadily drifting towards it.
- “What should we do?” someone asks.
- “We have to honor our Viking roots.” says another.
- “I agree.” – A warrior with a giant battleaxe says.
- They all cut themselves open with their blades and open the doors to the space outside. Their dying bodies are sucked out into the emptiness of space.
- Fade to black.
- Narrator: “It’s a funny feeling. Bleeding to death in space.”
- Something akin to an ink blot appears in the black. Black and red. You realize it’s an abstract human form. The black is the body, in a somewhat fetal position floating through a sea of red. Every once in a while some new red burps out of the black and joins the red around it.
- Fade to black