Dream – Night of 2014-10-13
Posted On October 13, 2014
- Paddling down river
- Curves and loops
- Last corner see ocean
- Taste water – “It’s definitely the ocean, water is getting salty.”
- Make it to beach. Go swimming but keep accidentally getting PFD on.
- Swimming Pool Laps
- Race K
- Keep losing because my arms hit stuff, or lane is too narrow and arm hits pool “gutter”
- Band Girl Setting Up on stage
- “Weren’t you here this morning?”
- “Yeah, we were here to wait around to look at a house.” (which ended up turning into the river trip to the ocean.)
- Movie Premiere
- Couches are empty. “Journalists” out in lobby don’t take seats. Invite to Band Girl could would have been room.
- Fireplace has smouldering logs.
- Joke about how journlists will review the movie as awesome without having seen it “Food was great, as was the roaring fire! The at-capacity seating…”