Coppermine Demo Fixed?

Hi all,

Here’s the link to what I think is a fixed version of the Coppermine 1.3 demo package, which I have called 1.3.1. Here’s what I did to fix, that way someone can tell me if it’ll cause any problems. It seems to work for me, but I’m not a coppermine expert…

  • Start Demo 1.1
  • Attach MySQL Administrator to the MySQL instance, and backup the coppermine database.
  • Stop Demo 1.1
  • Edit Demo1.3 ‘pms_config.ini’ file to not mirror database to local directory.
  • Start Demo 1.3
  • Attach MySQL Administrator to the MySQL instance, and restore the backup from 1.1.
  • Stop the Demo1.3
  • Zip up Demo 1.3 as 1.3.1