Upgrade to WordPress 2.0

Hey there everyone. Just thought I’d tell everyone that I’ve upgraded http://blog.killfly.com to WordPress 2.0. On yourside I suppose it doesn’t look a whole lot different, but there’s all kinds of new things for me to play with….that’s the real reason I had to write this post…

For those technical people out there, here’s what I did:

Backup Current Site

  • Exported database from MyPhpAdmin as SQL file in case I needed to restore.
  • Downloaded all the files from the blog.killfly.com subdomain to my local hard drive.

Get New Files And Prepare Upload

  • Downloaded and extracted the new WordPress2 ZIP file to my desktop.
  • Copied the config.php and php.ini from my local backup to my downloaded copy (so I can upload one big folder).

Do Actual Upload and Update

  • Deleted all the wordpress files from the blog.killfly.com server (made sure to leave my stats folders).
  • Upload new files.
  • Ran the /wp-admin/upgrade.php file as per the instructions.
  • Opened http://blog.killfly.com/ in my browser.

I realzed my custom banner was missing (my fault)…

Fix Missing Banner

  • Uploladed my personalHeader.jpg file from my local backup at wp-content\themes\default\images
  • Uncommented the line in header.php using theme editor to re-display the custom header.


Granted, my blog is fairly small, and I didn’t have any uploaded images. But I was very happy at how easy the upgrade was.
