First Post
This is the first post on the blogs. Who knows if this’ll get used or not. If not, that’s why they make delete keys.
Here’s a backed-up post from earlyer in the month. I had set up another blog but deleted it in favor of this one. Anyway, here’s theold posts:
Friday – Saturday – Sunday: River Rafting
This was an awesome trip. I drove up to Millinocket Maine and spent the night at a campground. In the morning we headed over to the rafting place to gather our synthetic jackets, life preservers and paddles.
The day starts off with a 13 foot waterfall. The waterfall empties into a large area so the consequences for falling out are pretty low. That’s why I think the company uses this spot to get almost every boat to flip at least once. You might as well see what it’s like now.
The rafting itself is strange. The rapids are unavoidable, you know you’re going through it and there’s nothing you can do to stop it. The horizon line gets closer and the noise from the rushing water gets louder. Then (for me anyway) something strange happens. You go into super concentration mode and before you realize it the rapid is behind you and you can’t remember exactly what it looked like. At least this is what it is like from the perspective of a couple days. Of course the one highlight that will stay fresh in everyone’s minds for a while is Exterminator.
Almost everyone in our raft fell off in the Exterminator Class 5 rapid. Not exactly the goal in a huge boiling cauldren of bron water. Everyone except for one person made it back into the raft, he was forced to navigate the majority of the rapid using only his life jacket. He said later that he thought to himself, “There’s a pretty good chance I could die.” This was absolutely true.
Monday (today): Vacation Day (Victory Day)
Helped install some speakers on Mike’s boat.
RROL practice at Indy – Wrecked out.